Saturday, November 03, 2007

It's time

I believe it is time for the Liberals to vote against the Cons whenever the next confidence vote comes. I did not believe that the last couple of opportunities were the right time, as the party needed time to overcome its recent difficulties and how could you oppose tax cuts? However, the party has weathered the storm, but it can no longer continue on this course. The next time a confidence vote comes up on an policy that the Liberals clearly disagree with, then it must vote against the Cons. The damage to the Libs credibility will be irreversible and it will look like the party has no principles. Time will not heal this wound if the Liberals abstain again. The party must have confidence in their leader to fight an election, because if the party does not have confidence in its leader then why should they expect Canadians to have confidence to vote for them.

The Liberals have a lot to offer Canadians:
  1. Values consistent with the majority of Canadians
  2. A solid group of candidates
  3. A long history of good government for Canadians
  4. A leader with integrity

The Cons on the other hand:

  1. Do not hold values with the majority of Canadians
  2. A team that consists of the likes of Baird, Van Loan, Day, Flaherty, Mackay, Ambrose, Kenney
  3. A mediocre record in government
  4. A school yard bully for a leader

If the party wants to show that it is ready to lead again, then it must defeat the government at the next opportunity. Furthermore, the party needs to solidly get behind its leader, be disciplined and have a clear set of policies and then let the voters decide. Fear of losing cannot be a reason not to defeat this government. How can you ask Canadians to believe in you when you will not stand up for your principles?

Finally, a Conservative majority will put this country on the wrong track socially, environmentally and fiscally. It is the responsibility of the Liberal Party as the only viable nationally governing alternative to make sure that this does not happen. It cannot accomplish this if it does not have confidence to take on Harper and his gang of thugs.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see that bully give out a swirly, and countless wedgies in an election. It's going to be one to sit back with some beer and popcorn. I consider myself socially Liberal, but the Liberal party still hasn't shown me its capable of even letting their own party members know whats going on or what they intend to do if they return to power, and until they create a coherent platform I can get behind, im backing the blue.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead make my day, week, month, year,...In the mean time it might even make my wallet that is being sucked dry of over 55% to various levels of taxes just a tiny bit heavier.