- To not have to wait four hours to get my torn achilles looked at.
- To put all the climate change deniers on an iceberg...oh wait there are none left.
- For the media to focus on the fact that Harper's numbers have not gone up instead of Dion's. Oops silly me Harper's 33% is solid...
- To give all the Iggy supporters a pacifier.
- To decriminalize the mary jane, because it is hypocritical for cigs and booze to be legal when they are just as harmful or more so than the mj. Although, I blame Mr. Dithers for that not coming true, the Harper's are just being true to form.
Honorable mention, to not allow politicians to promise tax cuts, but force them to think of something original.
1. This is a provincial issue . . . do you have a liberal govt???
2. Deniers . . . you mean people that have inquiring minds, that are not easily led by phony enviros, and loser vice-presidents? Science is never settled . . . CO2 is a trace gas (less than 1/2% of the atmosphere).
3. Polls are meaningless . . . you can get them to say anything you want . . . just adjust the question, or poll in TO.
4.Iggy may replace Dion . . . after the next election!!!
5. Mary Jane alters perception, is a mind-altering substance. Tobacco is not, beer in moderation is not!!!
Me thinks you spent too much time in a Canadian University . . . but time will heal the damage they did to your thinking processes.
1. I understand what the levels of govt are responsible for what. It doesnt matter what party is in power, since none of them have been able to fix the wait time problem yet. Unfortunately, the only way out might be to charge people a small fee to visit an emergency room.
2. Gimme a break...the debate is over, time for action. People who continue to debate climate change are lazy and self absorbed, because they feel it would cause too much inconvienience in their own lives.
3. Polls are actually generally accurate, with the exception of the 2004 General Election.
4. Possibly...
5. The overall health effects are equal or greater whether its tobacco, alcohol compared to MJ. And overclogging our justice system with people convicted for small amounts of MJ is quite ridicules and our public resources could be utilized more effectively.
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