Saturday, March 17, 2007

Cash grab?

I have been debating on the Globe site about Baird's comment on the new Liberal environmental policy being a "cash grab". The Globe reports "Companies would be fined for every tonne of emissions above the Kyoto target, starting at $20 a tonne in 2008 and rising to $30 by 2011. The money would go into an independent account and companies could get their money back by investing in emission-reduction technology." However, one rebuttal that I cannot answer is this: "they only get up $10 per tonne back. There is also the issue of only 80% of the total dollars going into the fund. Where is the other 20% going to go???" Any answers?

Also, why is the auto-industry supposedly exempt?


ottlib said...

First, of course John Baird is going to call it a cash grab.

Second, the money collected will be returned to the company it is collected from when they begin to invest in reducing their ghg emissions. It will be limited to the sum of $10/tonne but once the company has reduced its ghg emissions below its cap it will receive the remainder of the money.

Third, there are three broad sectors of industry that will be subject to this policy: energy generation, oil and gas, and energy intensive industries. Each sector will have different emission caps. There is no specific mention of the auto industry.

I read all of this in the Liberal Party white paper on the Liberal Party website. It is an interesting read and it is obvious that some thought went into this plan. I encourage you to read it.

liberazzi said...

Thanks, I will check it out. You should go onto the Globe site and post these answers there as well.

ottlib said...

I find the comment section of the on the Globe degenerates into slagging matches between yahoos from all sides way too quickly.

It is really difficult to sort the wheat of intelligent conversation out of the chaff of petty partisan bickering.

liberazzi said...

Yes. Its been a lot of "Liberal tax grabs" and "lining liberal coffers" and "leftist weenies" but I have done my best to fend them off tonight. Also, there was something about Maurice Strong hiding out in China due in part to some brewing scandal regarding Kyoto. Plus, they keep whining about how the auto industry is exempt.

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