Saturday, November 03, 2007

What the Cons accomplished this week

This is what the Cons accomplished this week:

  1. Demonstrating their hypocrisy on accountability
  2. Demonstrating their hypocrisy on grassroots politics
  3. Demonstrating their true right wing agenda
  4. Demonstrating that they put their desire of a majority ahead of what's good for the country

On a side note, I think it is disgusting that Tim Powers on Duffy would equate this death penalty issue with the Liberals being soft on crime. One has nothing to do with the other. Especially, when this has been a policy of Canadian government's for 40 years! Once again Stockwell Day is the Liberals greatest assets.

Secondly, it is a bit rich that the Cons are dissing Dion for musing about raising the GST (because it was bad policy to lower it, although it was stupid of Dion to mention it), when it was the Cons that brought in the GST!

Oh ya, the Cons are putting out another misleading, childish attack ad. Yawn...

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