Sunday, October 14, 2007

CPC Bloggers still in Climate Change Denial

If you sample some of the comments from the Reform bloggers in response to a post on the environment from a Liberal blogger you will generally get three standard replies:
  1. The Liberal record...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  2. It will hurt the economy to take real action
  3. The science is still not proven

Therefore, if these are the opinions of the Reform bloggers, is that not a true reflection of the how the CPC feels despite their posturing?

On a side note, the CPC has been in power about as long as Dion was Enviro Minister, so what exactly have they accomplished in that same amount of time, besides a lot of hot air?


wilson said...

'the CPC has been in power about as long as Dion was Enviro Minister, so what exactly have they accomplished in that same amount of time, besides a lot of hot air?'

Big difference nacho, Libs had been in power since 1993, for the entire 11 years prior to Dion becoming minister of the eviro.

liberazzi said...

The CPC are the govt now, so tell me again what they have accomplished?

Anonymous said...


The conservative government has passed more environmental legislation in 18 months than the Liberals did in 10 years, that is the entire point.

It is a FACT that the Conservative Government introduced the first Canadian Legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. This bill includes the FIRST forced industry reductions under law, and hard caps on proven pollutants.

Strategic investments in the ecoEnergy initiative, the clean air and climate change trust, and renewable fuels research. Some of this was also done by the previous liberal government.

Now you can argue that the Conservatives should be doing more. But you cannot honestly debate that they have not done anything, or that they have done less than the previous administrations.

liberazzi said...

The Cons simply re-introduced Liberal enviro policies that they cut when the got into power.