Monday, October 22, 2007

Even my Dad doesn't like Harper

Was just talking to my my Dad and was shocked by what he said. Even he thinks Harper is a jerk and my Dad is as Conservative as they come. I can sleep easy tonight. Goodnight.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dryden is a leader

According to Susan Delacourt, Dryden's speech in caucas had a major influence on keeping the Libs from defeating the gov't this week.

"It's not about you," Dryden bluntly told Dion. In other words, there was more than one person's future at stake in this whole parliamentary game of brinksmanship. At least a couple of people in the room were impressed with Dryden's candour. (He still was the best choice for leader)

Dion's Communication Skills

On Duffy yesterday Nanos, Weston and some communication's expert basically made the point, brought on by Weston's column earlier in the week, that Dion's English is what is limiting his effectiveness as a leader. I read Weston's column and I thought it was a little crass, but the main premise was correct. On Duffy's panel they pointed out that he uses too many complicated words and phrases that do not come off to well. Furthermore, Dion's speaking style is too wooden and fails to inspire, which is the most basic of skills for a politician. In addition, his speeches are too long, which make them harder to rehurse. Duceppe and Chretien have obvious problems in English, but they simplified their approach and speak from the heart which has proven to be effective. In the age of the sound bite as the panel described, being able to communicate effectively is key. Duh.

To me Dion's pronunciation, besides the odd slip, is not bad, but I believe that he speaks too deliberately, probably too cognisant of making a slip. I think he needs to simplify his message, speak more passionately, stop worrying about making a slip and less from a script. If you remember back to the leadership debates that was the style that he used and that was what won over delegates. Since he became leader he has tried to come off too prime ministerial, but I think he needs to start acting like an Opposition Leader and speak more from the heart. If his advisors and himself do not fix this basic problem, then there is no point trying to act prime ministerial, because he will never become one.

A note to any Cons that want to respond to this post, spare me the childish cookie cutter remarks. Thanks.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sunday, October 14, 2007

CPC Bloggers still in Climate Change Denial

If you sample some of the comments from the Reform bloggers in response to a post on the environment from a Liberal blogger you will generally get three standard replies:
  1. The Liberal record...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  2. It will hurt the economy to take real action
  3. The science is still not proven

Therefore, if these are the opinions of the Reform bloggers, is that not a true reflection of the how the CPC feels despite their posturing?

On a side note, the CPC has been in power about as long as Dion was Enviro Minister, so what exactly have they accomplished in that same amount of time, besides a lot of hot air?

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Feeling Frustrated at the thought of a Harper Majority

A Harper minority govt has resulted in:
  1. A GST cut, roundly derided by economists as it encourages over-consumption, but an increase in personal income tax
  2. A weak attempt at green-house gas reduction
  3. A faulty Accountability Act
  4. An extension of the Afghan mission
  5. Quebec as a nation
  6. Increased provincial bickering
  7. Income Trust betrayal
  8. No decriminalization of marijuana, instead a clogging of our justice system with minor possession offences
  9. No reduction of wait times
  10. No real accomplishments to speak of

A Harper majority will result in:

  1. Another useless GST cut
  2. No real action on climate change
  3. Lip service to accountability, more secrecy
  4. An extension of the Afghan mission
  5. A weakened federation
  6. A continuation of provincial bickering
  7. More broken promises, although I am afraid of the ones they will keep
  8. More needless court cases wasted on minor possession offences
  9. No reduction of wait times, but probably a move towards increased privatization
  10. A move towards a more right-wing agenda, which is funny since at least 60 - 65% of Canadians consider themselves near the center or slightly to the left. This will result in a increasingly divisive population. Therefore, about 30% of the right wing nuts in this country, with another 10% of dissafected Liberals will be running this country. However, CTV, The Nat Post, The Sun all those right wing nuts on talk radio will be happy.

What Canadians will get with a Dion gov't.

  1. A responsible corporate tax cut and increased resources toward innovation, training and research which will hopefully dull the effects of a the dollar at par and the loss of manufacturing jobs and possible US recession.
  2. Real action on climate change - they had better or I am diffecting to the Greens
  3. A more effective accountibility policy, based on the Gomery Commission
  4. Leaving Afghanistan by Feb 2009
  5. A stronger federation
  6. Keeping promises to provincial govts
  7. I hope no broken promises, cause that would be suicide
  8. Decriminilization of marijuana - I hope
  9. Modest improvements to health care, without privatization, what else is possible?
  10. A govt in tune with Canadian values, such as a ban on hand guns

I believe the formula for winning if I was Dion is:

  1. Come up with New Red Book, with a small amount of concrete visionary proposals that are costed, realistic and scheduled. Policies that will appeal to soft NDP voters and to women.
  2. Make their key points around Climate Change, Foreign Policy, Poverty, Gun Control and a strong central govt
  3. Emphasize the team, less on the leader, appear united
  4. Dont go negative, but emphasize what they will do in govt
  5. Have a strong, experienced campaign team to surround him, stick to the script
  6. Kill Harper in the French debate, come out even in the English debate
  7. A quick response team to combat Harper's liers and schemers

If you are a dissaffected Liberal, what would you rather have Harper or Dion? You'd be better off voting Green then.

Dion is not a old style Liberal that promises the moon and only half delivers. He appears to be a smart individual that will give us an effective if unspectacular govt that will not divide the country. So he is a little awkward and has trouble with English. Does that mean he will not do well as Prime Minister?

Can anyone tell me what Harper has done to deserve a rise in polls? His govt is incompetent and overbearing and has made no real progress on anything. Am I missing something? The "new" Liberal party offers so much in terms of talent. It has quality people like Dryden, Kennedy, Rae, Trudeau, Leblanc, Dhalla, Ignatieff, Findlay and Holland. The old boys are gone for the most part. The CPC has only two people that I can stand which are Strall and Prentice. The rest are a bunch of smug, snot nosed weasals like Van Loan, Poilievre, Mackay, Guergis, Baird etc. Are these the types of people we want running the country?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Good luck to the Greens

I voted Liberal, but I have a soft spot for the Greens and hope that they do well and if they are lucky, win a seat possibly in Bruce Grey. It would be a major breakthrough and would bold well for the Green Party across the country. The Greens seem to be a lot of people's second choice and if they can win a seat tonight, they might start to become a bigger player in politics across this country and that can only be a good thing. People like Frank De Jong and Elizabeth May need to be credited with bringing concerns such as climate change and habitat destruction to the forefront. As far as their policies, I particularly like the idea of reducing income taxes but increasing consumption taxes, such as gasoline. Makes sense to me...So go Liberals, but go Greens as well.

Dalton to replace Dion?

According to Bourque, Ray Heard is of the opinion that Dalton will replace Dion after the next election. As Don Newman would say...very interesting...

Monday, October 08, 2007

My five priorities

Here is my list of 5 priorities Ala Harper:
  1. To not have to wait four hours to get my torn achilles looked at.
  2. To put all the climate change deniers on an iceberg...oh wait there are none left.
  3. For the media to focus on the fact that Harper's numbers have not gone up instead of Dion's. Oops silly me Harper's 33% is solid...
  4. To give all the Iggy supporters a pacifier.
  5. To decriminalize the mary jane, because it is hypocritical for cigs and booze to be legal when they are just as harmful or more so than the mj. Although, I blame Mr. Dithers for that not coming true, the Harper's are just being true to form.

Honorable mention, to not allow politicians to promise tax cuts, but force them to think of something original.